
Technologies used: Z80 Language, CPCTelera

At the start of the academic year the first thing our teacher said was “If you want to program as professionals you have to know how the machine works inside”, so we had to learn and make a simple game in assembly for the Amstrad CPC 472.

Also, our score depended on the position we achieved in the international competition #CPCRetroDev, organized by our teacher as well.

This was the first time we even heard about assembly language, so we were panicking a bit… At the start we tried making very simplistic programs to learn the basics and improve from that. We made a twitter were we were uploading all the small progresses. Weeks passed and finally got something we could call a “game”. It was very short and because of it we couldn’t rank higher in the standings.

We finished at the 12th position, with what were pretty happy about. If you want to see the whole conference, you can do it here. Also, all the games (alongside with the ones from previous years), can be find and downloaded from the official website of #CPCRetroDev.

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